Scalp hair loss is most common problem faced by every one and it can cause because hair loss is such a visible problem unless you wear a cap all the time.
There are various ways to cure scalp hair loss including laser hair restoration, using a hair reconstruction product or having hair capillay construction but different people need different treatments and the hair reconstruction technique which is best for you depends on the cause of your hair loss.
The hair reconstruction cost you might be facing will be probably probably more than using hair loss shampoos or investing in a hairpiece but surgical hair restoration can be a good long term solution if you are suffering from irreversible scalp hair loss.
Surgical hair treatments
Surgical hair transplantation involves collecting hair from the back of your scalp because this may suits as ur original hair and transplanting it on to the cleaned area(bald area). Hair transplants are possible between identical twins because they share the same genetic makeup but hair transplanted from another person will result in sideinfections unless anti-rejection drugs are taken for life.
Scientists are currently working to transplant hair from a donor because some people suffering from scalp hair loss are completely bald and therefore will have nowhere to harvest the new hair from.
Whether is it Suitable for Everybody?
Men with male pattern baldness will usually have hair on the sides and back of the head, which is where the donor hair comes from. This hair is programmed to grow genetically and to keep its genetic resistance to balding, which is why it keeps growing in the new site. In the case of someone suffering from diffuse hair loss, which is similar to female hair loss, this would mean that the hair is being lost from areas all over the scalp.
A transplant would be unlikely to work in this case, since the hair left on the head is just as susceptible to hair loss and the hair which has already fallen out. This is why hair transplantation is usually not recommended for female hair loss sufferers.
Other Types of Hair Restoration
If a hair transplant is not an option, there are other ways to treat scalp hair loss including hair loss shampoos, changing your diet, taking a course of hair loss treatment and more. The first thing to do is to consult with your doctor to find out what is causing your hair loss because scalp hair loss can be the result of certain medical conditions or a side effect from medication.
Hair replacement systems, also knows as toupees, wigs or hairpieces, can be an alternative to surgical hair restoration. The base will be made from either lace or polyurethane and the hair is either human or synthetic. Hair replacement systems need maintenance to keep them looking natural and attractive.
The most probable of getting hari loss is dandruff, so better to take care about the dandruff the maintain good diet..finally drink a lot of water daily